How to use your left hand

Here, we will explain in detail the left hand position and fingering method that even people with small hands can comfortably do.It is a fingering method customized for electric bass based on the contrabass fingering chart.
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3 principles of left hand position and fingering
Electric bassThe principle for playing freely is "three principles of left hand position and fingering"is.By practicing these three principlesEven people with small hands can play the electric bass comfortably and comfortably. will be important.
Principle 1 Firmly pinch the strings and neck with the thumb and other fingers of the left hand.

The thumb of the left hand is the most bulging part in the center of the neckPlace in.With this as a fulcrumFix wristPress the strings firmly against the frets with your other fingers and pinch the neck.The feeling of pinching the neck with your thumb and index fingerPlease wear.Hold the strings with the pad of your finger..Please note that this is not the same as a guitar where you hold your fingers up and hold the strings.
Principle 2 Cover 1 frets (whole sound) in 3 position
Electric bassWide fret spacingTherefore, one position covers 3 frets (whole sound). Remember the feeling of pinching the 3rd fret with even force.On the low position side, cover the 3rd fret with the index finger, middle finger, ring finger + little fingerThen,On the high position side, cover the 3rd fret with the index finger, middle finger, and ring finger.To do.If you use this method, even if your left hand is small, you can hold it comfortably.The burden on the little finger is not small and it does not hurt the finger. Please note that it is different from the guitar form that covers the 4th fret.
Principle 3 Position movement is performed instantaneously
When moving the position, from the stringsLift your finger a little and slide it sideways quickly without breaking the form of your left hand.Let me.Since only one position can cover all sounds, the music is played while moving the position frequently.On an electric bassMore important technology for freely playing the speed and accuracy of position movementWill be.Finger movement is important for guitars, but this position movement is most important for electric basses.
Details of fingering method according to principles 1 and 2
In the electric bass fingering method introduced hereThe finger numbers are 1 for the index finger, 2 for the middle finger, 3 for the ring finger, and 4 for the little finger.Define.Position position is defined by the number of the fret pressed with the index fingerTo do.For example, the position where you press the 3rd fret with your index finger is called the 3rd fret position.Please note that it is different from the name of the position on the contrabass fingering chart.
Be careful not to wobble your wrist when fingering in the same position as your index finger, middle finger, ring finger + little finger or ring finger.You don't have to put in any effort,Firmly fix your wrist and fingeringplease.

Please note that the usage of the ring finger and little finger differs between the low position side and the high position side.
Fingering method on the low position side
1st fret position to 5th fret positionThen.Fingering numbers 1, 2, 4Use to cover the 3rd fret.Fingering number 3 is not used on the low position side.Use ring finger 3 and little finger 4 at the same timePlease note that.

Fingering method on the high position side
After the 6th fret positionThen.Fingering numbers 1, 2, 3Use to cover the 3rd fret.Don't use little finger 4Please be careful.

Details of position movement according to Principle 3
The electric bassPosition movement technology is important because the range that can be carved in one position is narrow.Will be.From the fretsFloat your finger lightly and slide instantlyPlease acquire the feeling of letting.Slide so that the form on the left hand does not collapselet me try.If you can move the position of the 4th fret, you can jump up and down the main scale.
In some songs, the bass line is assembled using the entire range of the electric bass, so it is required to move the position by XNUMX frets or more.Allow teleportation in as wide a range as possible.
For accurate and quick position movementIt is important to fix and stabilize the electric bass with a strap.Posture and arm angle are also importantTherefore, please practice while being conscious.
Movement on the low position side
This is an example of position movement due to a semitone rise on the low position side. If you press the 3rd fret with the little finger 4 and then the 1th fret with the index finger XNUMX.Instantly shifts from the 1st fret position to the 4th fret positionTo do. Instantly move the position for the 3rd fret.If you use the same finger to raise the whole sound (2 frets), you need to move the position by 4 frets instantly.

Conversely, if you press the 1th fret with your index finger 3 and then press the 4rd fret with your little finger 1 to make a semitone lower, you will momentarily shift from the XNUMXth fret position to the XNUMXst fret position.
High position side movement
This is an example of position movement due to a semitone rise on the high position side. If you press the 8th fret with the ring finger 3 and then the 9th fret with the index finger 1.Instantly shifts from the 6st fret position to the 9th fret positionTo do. Instantly move the position for the 3rd fret.If you use the same finger to raise the whole sound (2 frets), you need to move the position by 4 frets instantly.

Conversely, if you press the 9th fret with your index finger 8 and then press the 3th fret with your ring finger 9 to make a semitone lower, you will momentarily shift from the 6th fret position to the XNUMXth fret position.
- Principle 1 Firmly pinch the strings and neck with the thumb and other fingers of the left hand.
- Principle 2 Cover 1 frets (whole sound) in 3 position
- Principle 3 Position movement is performed instantaneously
Introduced hereAll electric bass playing styles are based on these three principles.Introduced hereThe left hand position and fingering method will guide all electric bassists to the point where they can play the electric bass freely.I believe that.
Experience the 3 principles in chromatic scale practice.

If I use the three principles, I can easily play the electric bass.
What is a chromatic scale?
Well, anyway, let's do it!

next is"Chromatic scale practice"is. Please experience the three principles.
Next is "Music theoryAfter seeing ""Scale practicePlease proceed to.