
Music theory

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The scale of the book THE JAZZ THEORY BOOK is,

A collection of sounds available to play for a given chord
(Source: THE JAZZ THEORY BOOK by Mark Levine ATN, inc. ISBN978-4-7549-3078-3 p.30)

It is written as.Here, we will explain the functions and roles of chords and scales that you should at least remember when playing an electric bass.

Classification of XNUMX tones Inside and outside

The frets on the electric bass are arranged at regular intervals of XNUMX semitones, which divides one octave into XNUMX.It doesn't sound very melodic even if you play it while pressing it properly.If anything, it tends to be avant-garde.

On the contraryIn the case of the piano, the scale of C major is assigned to the white keys, and if you play just the white keys, it will somehow create a musical atmosphere.

An electric bass does not have a structure like the white and black keys of a piano, so it is very important to memorize the position of the do-re-mi-fa-so-ra-si-do.This do-re-mi-fa-so-ra-shido is called the inside note of the C major scale, and by using this inside note, you will be able to play a pleasant melody that is in harmony with the chords.

Inside soundBy function on the code scaleClassified into chord tone, tension, and avoid noteWill beYou don't have to worry too much about this classification.Remembering that you can use all the inside sounds without distinction gives you more freedom when playing basslines and solos.

Outside soundMoreOff-scale notes used to play advanced basslinesis.It is used as a transitional sound and ornamental sound.When playing basslines or solos, I mainly use the inside sounds, but that doesn't mean I shouldn't use the outside sounds.The important thing is to be aware of the inside and outside sounds..

XNUMX major scale types

Used in jazz and popular musicXNUMX main scalesis.They depend on the constituent sounds and functionsThere are three major categories: diatonic scale, subdominant minor scale, and dominant scale.Available

It ’s better to get used to it than to learn it.Detailed interpretation of each scale will be postponedAnd here,A rough understanding of scale names, classifications, features, and interrelationshipslet's do it.

eachThe characteristics and detailed interpretation of the scale are the actual scale practiceLet's learn with the left hand position and fingering while doing.

What is a diatonic scale?

The scales that start from each scale of Doremi Fasolaside are collectively called the diatonic scale..Church mode (church mode)Sometimes called.Each scale corresponds to a chord rooted at its starting note.These codesCollectively, diatonic codecalled.

Doremi FasolasideIonian scale (major scale)IM7<T> Tonic
Remi Fasola SidreDurian scaleIIm7<SD> Subdominant
Mifasola SidremiFrisian scaleIIIm7<T> Tonic
Fasolaside RemifaLydian scaleIVM7<SD> Subdominant
Soracid Remi FasoMixolydian scaleV7<D> Dominant
Rashid Remi FasoraAeolian scale (minor scale)VIm7<T> Tonic
Sidremi FasorashiLocrian caseVIIm7b5<D> Dominant
Code function

Diatonic codeIs classified into XNUMX types according to the function.Stable sound, like an end point<T> Tonic,Unstable sound and increase tension<D> Dominant,The role of connecting tonics and dominants<SD> Subdominantthere is.The chord progression of a song is constructed around the diatonic chord by utilizing these functions.
You can compose a song with only a diatonic code,Codes other than diatonic codes are also used to give changes and accents...As a commonly used code<SDm> Subdominant minor chord,<D> dominant code including alternate tensionin XNUMX minutes by bus from Yonago Station.

What is the subdominant minor scale?

Lower the major third of the subdominant (IVM7) by a semitoneThe minorized version is called a subdominant.On the scale, lower the la and shi by a semitone.

Remi FasoLa b shi bDreLocrian # 2IIm7b5<SDm> Subdominant minor
FasoLa b shi bDoremifaMelodic minorIVmM7<SDm> Subdominant minor

What is Altered Tension Dominant Scale?

Dominant scale including the sound of the mixolydian scale with the tension changed by a semitone.Refers to.In the dominant codeChange tension (Altered)Various derived scales that have been made are used.

SorashiDe #Remi FasoLydian XNUMX
(Melodic minor # 4 mode)
V7 (9, # 11)<D> Dominant
Sora SidreMi bFasoMixolydian b6
(Melodic minor # 5 mode)
V7 (9, b13)<D> Dominant
SoLa b la #SheaDe #Remi FasoCombination of DiminishedV7 (b9, # 9, # 11,13)<D> Dominant
SorashiDo #mi bFasoWhole toneV7 (9, # 11, b13)<D> Dominant
SoLa bSidreMi bFasoHarmonic Minor P5 BelowV7 (b9, b13)<D> Dominant
SoLa b la #SidreMi bFasoSpanish 8 notesV7 (b9, # 9, b13)<D> Dominant
SoLa b la #SheaDo #mi bFasoAltered
(Melodic minor # 7 mode)
V7 (b9, # 9, # 11, b13)<D> Dominant

Other scales

In addition to the above, there are various scales such as pentatonic and blues scales.

Code scale list

The code scales introduced so far are summarized by the C major key.When classified by constituent soundsXNUMX type of diatonic scale,XNUMX type of subdominant scale,XNUMX types of Altered Tension Dominant ScaleWill be.Including the derivative scale,There are XNUMX main scales for one key will be important.

1 <C major> Code scale list
[Basic] Diatonic scale

C major scaleIt is a scale with the same constituent notes but different start positions.

FeaturesCodesス ケ ー ル
1TCM7C Ionian
2SDDm7D Durian
3TEm7E Frisian
4SDFM7F Lydian
5DG7G Mixolydian
6TAm7A Aeolian
7DBm7b5B Locrian
[Intermediate] Subdominant Minor Scale

F melodic minor scale1st mode and 6th mode.

FeaturesCodesス ケ ー ル
1SDmFm M7F melodic minor
2SDmDm7b5B Locrian # 2

(Usage Guide)
T: Tonic code
SD: Subdominant code
D: Dominant code
SDm: Subdominant minor chord

[Advanced] Altered Tension Dominant Scale

G Mixolydian scale scale with changed tension (Altered).

FeaturesCodesス ケ ー ル
1DG7 (# 11)G Lydian 7 (D melodic minor XNUMXth mode
2DG7 (b13)G Mixolydian b6 (C melodic minor XNUMXth mode
3DG7 (b9, # 9, # 11)G Combination of Diminished (CD # 1: G-Bb-Db-E
4DG7 (# 11, b13)G Hall Tone (WT # 1: GABC # -D # -F
5DG7 (b9, b13)G Harmonic Minor P5 Below
6DG7 (b9, # 9, b13)G Spanish 8 notes
7DG7 (b9, # 9, # 11, b13)G Alterd (Ab Melodic Minor XNUMXth Mode


Music theory is a theoretical explanation of the structure and method of music (Wikipedia), and is very useful when interpreting, analyzing, composing, and writing down music.Music theory is not music or playing technique itself.It corresponds to the reading and writing part of words.Just as a baby who can't speak yet can't read or writeI still can't play the scale properly, but I can't understand and use the theory of scale...If you can play, you will understand the meaning of music theory.

<< Click here for book introductions for those who want to learn more about music theory >>

Once you have learned the major scale classifications, move on to the next scale practice.Please look back on the contents of music theory while practicing scales.

nextScale practiceThen.XNUMX exercises prepared for each keyIt is done.XNUMX types of scales with a total of XNUMX keysThe goal is to learn.

One scale consists of XNUMX to XNUMX notes in one octave. Even if you practice up / down of XNUMX to XNUMX notes in XNUMX octaves, you can do it in about XNUMX seconds.It takes about XNUMX minutes to play the main XNUMX scales once.It only costs.It takes a lot of repetitive practice until you can play smoothly,I believe that anyone can reach the goal if they continue patiently.



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Now it's practice! !!


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