
[🎼 EBL Store opening announcement 🆕] We have opened a shop that provides electric bass-related goods, sheet music, teaching materials, etc. on the creators' market BOOTH, which is connected by creation.

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We opened "EBL Store" in BOOTH!

Click here for the EBL Store >>> https://ebl-store.booth.pm/


We look forward to your visit.

This is a shop run by Electric Bass Lesson that provides goods related to electric bass! ! Aluminum control knob with numbers/marker lines for electric bass/electric guitar (on sale) (¥780), [Free] Electric bass fingering training...

“We have started offering electric bass fingering training drills using the EBL fingering method! ] EBL Store opening plan

"There is no royal road to improving the bass, it starts with scale practice and scale practice continues forever, there is only special training" (Eternal amateur bass enthusiast)

[Free] Electric bass fingering training drill (12) Ionian all XNUMX keys (PDF version) - EBL Store - BOOTH
This is a PDF sheet music for electric bass fingering training using the EBL fingering method. "EBL Fingering Method" is a fingering method that follows the principle of 1 position and 3 frets, making it easy for people with small hands. ``There is no royal road to improving your bass skills, starting with scale practice...
[Free] Electric bass fingering training drill (12) Durian all XNUMX keys (PDF version) - EBL Store - BOOTH
This is a PDF sheet music (tab score) for electric bass fingering training using the EBL fingering method. "EBL Fingering Method" is a fingering method that follows the principle of 1 position and 3 frets, making it easy for people with small hands. ``There is no royal road to improving your bass skills, starting with scale practice...''
[Free] Electric bass fingering training drill (12) Phrygian all XNUMX keys (PDF version) - EBL Store - BOOTH
This is a PDF sheet music (tab score) for electric bass fingering training using the EBL fingering method. "EBL Fingering Method" is a fingering method that follows the principle of 1 position and 3 frets, making it easy for people with small hands. ``There is no royal road to improving your bass skills, starting with scale practice...''

Please stay tuned.


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